COURT AREA: The court area shall be forty (40) feet (12.1920m) long by twenty (20) feet (6.0960m) wide by twenty (20) feet (6.0960m) high, the size of a standard racquetball court. The court area is divided into two equal team courts with a center line (normal racquetball service line) between them.
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NET: The net shall be three (3) feet wide overall and extend the entire width of the court. The net shall be installed across the center line of the court no higher than eight (8) feet (2.45m) above the floor for men and no higher than seven (7) feet four and a quarter (4 1/4) inches (2.24m) above
the floor for women. A check of the height and tension of the net shall be made before the start of each match and any time the referee deems necessary. The height of the net should be checked at both ends of the net, and at the center. The net should be perpendicular to the side boundary lines. After any adjustments have been made, the net should be tested so that a ball hitting the net rebounds properly.
NET SUPPORTS: Net supports shall be installed in the walls so as not to interfere with the net, ball or the playing of the game, nor threaten the safety of the players.
THE BALL: The ball shall be spherical, weighing not less than nine (9) ounces (280g) nor more than ten (10) ounces (280g). The ball shall not be less than twenty-five (25) inches (62cm) nor more than twenty-seven (27) inches (68cm) in circumference. Ball pressure should not exceed eleven (11) pounds.
We recommend the American Wallyball Regulationl Wallyball balls.
SERVICE AREA: The service area is designated by a blue line one and one half (1 1/2) inches (3.75cm) wide which extends the entire length of the court with an inside width of three (3) feet (90.00cm) (not including the width of the line) from the back and front walls, respectively.
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